A continuous divide between whether a gig worker is in employee or an independent worker is expected to continue for some time. Traditionally the most common form of work has been the employee-employer relationship. That changed when people started being independent contractors and the 1099 model came into being. The entire intent of someone being […]
These are the most important words that ever human being should know and realize. We think we know. Before we are sure, look inwards. “Do we really know?” This is true for me, judge yourself for yourself. Do you know something or you believe you know? Beliefs are dangerous and they are the source of […]
Since the time this pandemic has started, there are so many things that are not the same…There’s quite a bit of talk about what is or has or will change for ever. And there is so much that isn’t really going to change. Yet, there is little discussion about what will not be changing. The […]
Whenever the economy is discussed, the “consumer” invariably comes up. The consumers drive the economy. They buy goods and services. Consumption is the largest component of any economies GDP. Individual buying acts are aggregated over whtime and space. Any good business is created with the consumer in mind. As a business you sell what you […]
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