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Selling – A skill for life(1 min read)


No matter who you are or what you do, you’re selling something.

You’re a salesperson, and you’re one every single day of your life.

All students should be required to learn basic persuasion skills, basic negotiating, and basic closing techniques, as these are fundamental to life. No other set of skills will better determine the likelihood of a person getting a job, much less being a success in life, than the ability to persuade, negotiate successfully, and convince others to act.

A person’s ability to persuade another is the only thing that will ultimately ensure a position in the marketplace. Academic records, grades, and résumés won’t guarantee you a promotion or advancement in life, but the ability to sell will.

No person will ever gain true power and stature in the world without the ability to persuade others. The ability to communicate and convince others is an asset for you; the inability to communicate is a liability. No matter what your ambitions are, you are required to communicate with others, and the better you can communicate, the more people will agree with you. The more you can get others to agree with you, the more you can have your way in life. The more you get your way in life, the more you will enjoy life.