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Don’t wait. Do it now.(2 min read)

If it matters to you, do not postpone it. Most humans get caught in the conundrum of life.

If I had this, I would do that…

I’ve I achieve X, I will do Y…

Most dreams we postpone should not be pushed forward. Have to live each day as if it’s your last. Times running out. Today is better than ever. Do it now before it becomes never.

It may be good to sacrifice sometimes but be careful about what you choose to give up. For most things you will find “now is as good a time as any”. For something you will never be better prepared, the test in itself is the preparation.

There’s never a better time to get married, have a child, invest time in a relationship, learn something new, pursue your dream or for reaching out to a loved one. Now is always the best time. You can never be more prepared than you are today, no matter who you are and at what stage in life.

Some things cannot be deferred. When you are young, you have great energy, awesome health but you may not have the money or the time for those things.

When you’ve turned a little gray, you aren’t exactly young anymore. You may have some savings but you don’t seem to have the time. Maybe it’s your busy schedule, you now have a family or other ambitions or responsibilities. You could once again defer “your thing” to someday.

Time progresses. It doesn’t wait. You’re going to keep aging. You may be getting wealthier but it’s hard to get heathier. Time is what you make of it. Because times not going to wait for it.

Decide who you are and what you want to do. Do it now. Because now is better than ever. Time teaches. Time heals. Pursue that dream, don’t need to prepare for it. Learn as you go and get there as you grow.

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