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Who are you? Make a choice(1 min read)

Applies to businesses as much as it applies to people.

“Try not to be everything to everyone
For you risk being nothing to anyone
Its best if you can be something to someone”

-Yours truly, DA

Those words remind us of a simple but true principle. You can’t please everyone, so why try? Be yourself, know yourself.
For a business to succeed, it needs to appeal to customers. You begin with segmenting your target customers / market. And then figure how you make your products/services attractive to those customers. Run after every kind of customer and you end up appealing to no one. Pick your target, nail it!

Define who you are and know that you cannot be liked/loved/admired by everyone. So do not try to be everything to everyone.

Grab a glass of win, think about this and how it applies to you applies to you, family, friends and life in general.

Define yourself. Know who you are. Have an identity. Know your personality. Live it. Figure who you are, who you can appeal to and focus on being the best version of you to them. You’re an original, do not try to copy anyone else. Be yourself.

In short, make a choice and live it the best you can.

#LiveSimply #HaveSimplicityBias

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