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Bye 2022, Hello 2023 😉(1 min read)

Another year has gone by and a new one is about to begin. Each year, each of us makes 10s of resolutions. I’m going to do the same but little different…

Why am I here?

I’m here to make more friends, be at peace with myself, spread goodness, help where I can and learn as much as possible from the people I meet.

Looking back

I’m not perfect, albeit my ego often will get me thinking otherwise.

If I have hurt you or your feelings in 2022, I first seek your forgiveness 🙏

If you see an opportunity for me to do better, I honestly seek your inputs.

Looking forward to 2023. I have monthly horizons, a year is too long to plan out now but the high level theme is

  • I need to learn from people this year. Want to meet people from other countries, professionals in other industries and learn from them. In return, I’m here to offer whatever I know and can share. The goal is to speak with (face to face) at least one stranger in person or online (zoom or teleconf, not social media) each week.
  • I will focus more on my mental peace this year and dedicate to spending at least an hour with myself each day. Turn this into a habit by end of January
  • Physical health – workout 5 days a week.
  • Grow and learn new things each month
  • Make more friends – I find you learn more from people than from books